All The Real Girls
Children of Men
City of God
The Dark Knight
Inland Empire
Marie Antoinette
Pan's Labyrinth
The Proposition
There Will Be Blood
Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story
Wendy and Lucy
White Lightnin'
I had a handful more that were very close to making my list. Frownland and 25th Hour in particular were difficult to cut. No Mulholland Drive, either. Even though I love David Lynch I was very surprised to see that film pop up on so many critical Best lists. I urge everyone who remembers that movie as being terrific to revisit it. It is not.
CORRECTION: It was brought to my attention yesterday that Fight Club was a '99 film, so I have removed it. Traffic makes the list in its stead.
But, Aaron. Mulholland Dr. is a great film. It is, dammit!
I will grant that it's good, but I think people have far rosier memories of it than it deserves. That thing is weaker than Dune.
I don't remember loving it the first time and I have been preparing to re-visit it. Now I'm all shook up about what to do!
And the second vote for Anchorman?! Am I going to have to rent it or follow the sage advice of Hawk who advised against on New Year's?
I'm all dizzy and the year is only a few days old!
Anchorman is fantastic! You have to like ludicrous comedy and Will Ferrell a great deal, but it is probably my favourite comedy outside of Blazing Saddles and Crime Wave.
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