Reno 911!: Miami does have some good material, all at about the brow-level one would expect. Like masturbation jokes? Run, don't walk! Unfortunately, even the gutter doesn't seem to contain enough laughs to cover the length of the movie. A lot of it reeks of poorly done improv. Most of the regular show cast fails to keep up with the skills of the guests performers + the paper-thin plot isn't interesting enough to hold interest between jokes. It's a shame, because some of the material really hits + the direction shows off some strange moves I did not expect.
Not terrible; not noteworthy. I imagine whether or not you watch this will have more to do with how much you like smoking pot than anything.
Aww I was looking forward to this. The show is great because most of the cast are amazing improvisers. Fuuuuuck.
im not sure the nature of their humour lends itself to a feature. very much like the Aqua Teen movie, you realize while watching it that the reason you dig the show is because it is in such small doses. keeping pace with the storylines ADD is a bit much after an hour.
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